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GEAR: Introducing the “Kosk” – A Foldable Mask That Only Covers Your Nose When You’re Eating

A company in South Korea just unveiled a new type of mask called the “Kosk” that folds up and only covers your NOSE.  It’s for people who still want some protection while eating at restaurants.  And yes . . . it’s funny looking.

Researchers in Mexico already came up with a nose-only mask last year, which also looked funny.  But you had to wear that one under a normal mask.  This one can be a regular mask, but then fold up and be nose-only.

Most people online think it’s funny . . . or just dumb, because the virus can still get in through your mouth.  But some people seem to think it might be helpful.  If that’s you, a website in Korea is currently selling boxes of 10 for $8.

(Serious question:  Couldn’t folding your mask up expose your nose to more coronavirus particles that might be on it?  And worse, couldn’t new particles go directly IN your mouth when you fold it back down?  Or does it fold in on itself and somehow avoid that?  We weren’t able to find a video of how it works.)

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